Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

We got out relatively early, hoping to get some cycling in before the streets got crowded. Our cycle rental agent, Masha, had told us that there were popular paths north of Gorky Park, and we had seen hints (e.g.- people on bikes) heading back and forth on the Belgorodsky Shosse (Hwy). So, we headed out in that direction to explore- hopefully, without any major traffic incidents.
We found this official-looking path 
Which ran out about fifteen feet on either side of the mark. The dirt path before and after, however, stretched for several miles in each direction. 
We got out to the edge of town. The sign behind Jason points the way to Moscow. 
City Marker
Kill site marker along the path- in Polish, Ukrainian and English.
When we got back into town, I asked Jason if he wanted to head down to "Ploshad Svobody" (Freedom Square) to catch the communist demonstrations, but he was hungry. So, we came home, ate, and then headed out there, hoping to catch the final act. We found something very different indeed:
Note the color of the flags- Black, not red. The anarchists were out. 
Some of them were wearing balaclavas and bandanas to cover their faces
We ended our day on Ploshad Svobody, paying homage to Uncle Lenin. Many had left flowers. 


  1. I think you will find the trails along the Loire and the Danau in slightly better condition...
    I was going to take the Birdy for a spin on Tuesday, but it rained ALL day.

  2. Interesting pic with the anarchists...didn't really expect that...
