Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ludwigshafen Calling

Yeah. That is quite a mouthful. The signs just say "Lu", but I thought Lu Calling would just confuse people: Do I know a Lu? Who is Lu?. In any case, Jason and I made it out of Georgia and are back in Germany. Or as Jason calls it: Die Heimland-- mostly because the beer and brats are plentiful and Elizabeth and Thomas have a push-button grind-and-brew coffee miracle in the kitchen. Our only snag... well... basically we ran breathless through the airport in Prague after Schengen and security balancing our shoes, belts, and laptops, trying to make our plane (5 minutes to spare!). There was a pile up of Russians ahead of us at Schengen; they even turned one guy back- no entry!

Oh- and a tree fell on the ICE train tracks from Frankfurt to Mannheim, so we took a chug chug regional (an hour and some change, rather than 30 minutes! oh- the agony!). Elizabeth and Thomas took pity on us, though, and picked us up in Mannheim.

A stop for lunch in Freinsheim
Today we biked to Freinsheim, where Thomas has a house (it is being sold) and Bad Durkheim. The sun was unusually plentiful, so we are all sunburned. Weather is calling for continued sunny skies and (gulp!) 90 degrees! We should see Germans bursting into flames over the next few days... or perhaps just more of Germans than we want to.
Waiting for lunch- Jason drank beer, which was almost scandalous in the Rhein Wine valley! (Okay, I might've had mineral water...)  
We walked around the old walls of the city
The town was founded by the

Bad Durkheim- the Salt Cure

Thomas wandered off... I think he was aiming for that sign that says "Bier Garten"

We swung down an extra spur so we could take a picture with the "Spargelman"  (behind us)
Spargel translation: asparagus

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